Visual Escapism - Intersection
Exclusions are permanent in education, art and culture. Fixed structures and guidelines decide on positions and privileges.
In exchange with artists who are marginalised by such structures, the same consensus emerges. Art, in whatever form, is used as a means to confront realities. Each artist encounters his/her reality in his/her own way, but all find in art a place to be free, to express themselves, to find a voice and/or to be loud without being criticised or controlled in this world. In the exhibition, complex issues, current events, discrimination, individual and collective problems are communicated, processed and centralised aesthetically, poetically and visually.
Visual art meets writing - The aim is to show that different identities of individuals and artists can influence and strengthen each other in a reciprocal way - intersectional perspectives and common exchange.
Artist IG:
@nolemastudio - Anna
@bodisamba - Bodi Samba
@talentnxtdoor_studio - Billy M.
@joannehellerei - Joanne H.
@kweku.okokroko - Kweku Okokroko
@mandana.behdad - Mandana Behdad
@julianawiest / - Juliana Gutiérrez Wiest
@the_long_run_muenchen / & @paulhuf67
@art.vivi.timothy / - Dr. (Hon) Vivian Timothy